Über uns - myfridgeart

Willkommen bei myfridgeart! Wir stellen einzigartige Kühlschrankmagnete her, die Sie mit Ihren eigenen Fotos personalisieren können. Machen Sie Ihren Kühlschrank zu einem besonderen Ort mit unseren kreativen Designs.

A metallic surface with the words 'MAGNETIC MOTION' written in bold red uppercase letters. The surface appears to be slightly scratched and the lighting highlights the text.
A metallic surface with the words 'MAGNETIC MOTION' written in bold red uppercase letters. The surface appears to be slightly scratched and the lighting highlights the text.
Unsere Mission
Unsere Vision

Bei myfridgeart glauben wir an die Kraft der Erinnerungen. Unsere personalisierten Magnete bringen Ihre schönsten Momente direkt an Ihren Kühlschrank und verleihen Ihrem Zuhause eine persönliche Note.

Magnetische Kunst

Entdecken Sie unsere personalisierten Kühlschrankmagnete mit Ihren Fotos.

A cozy kitchen corner features a refrigerator covered with various photos and notes, surrounded by warm string lights and a plant on top. A countertop with vegetables and a window with sheer curtains add to the homey atmosphere.
A cozy kitchen corner features a refrigerator covered with various photos and notes, surrounded by warm string lights and a plant on top. A countertop with vegetables and a window with sheer curtains add to the homey atmosphere.
A hand with a red sleeve is touching the door of a white refrigerator covered with colorful pictures of various fruits such as oranges, pears, blueberries, pomegranates, and kiwis. On top of the refrigerator is a woven basket.
A hand with a red sleeve is touching the door of a white refrigerator covered with colorful pictures of various fruits such as oranges, pears, blueberries, pomegranates, and kiwis. On top of the refrigerator is a woven basket.
A vintage kitchen setting featuring a worn, pastel green refrigerator adorned with nostalgic stickers. On top of the fridge, red Coca-Cola crates are stacked. The adjacent wall showcases hanging kitchen utensils and decorative items. Below the counter, wooden stools and rustic elements evoke a retro atmosphere.
A vintage kitchen setting featuring a worn, pastel green refrigerator adorned with nostalgic stickers. On top of the fridge, red Coca-Cola crates are stacked. The adjacent wall showcases hanging kitchen utensils and decorative items. Below the counter, wooden stools and rustic elements evoke a retro atmosphere.
A display board is filled with a variety of colorful souvenir magnets and trinkets. There are numerous designs, including evil eye symbols, maps, and animal shapes, all with a theme related to Cyprus. In the background, a person is sitting at a table, slightly out of focus, and there are soft white feathery decorations hanging from above.
A display board is filled with a variety of colorful souvenir magnets and trinkets. There are numerous designs, including evil eye symbols, maps, and animal shapes, all with a theme related to Cyprus. In the background, a person is sitting at a table, slightly out of focus, and there are soft white feathery decorations hanging from above.

Unsere Projekte

Entdecken Sie unsere personalisierten Kühlschrankmagnete mit eigenen Fotos.

A modern kitchen setting with a silver laptop on a wooden table, featuring a sticker that reads 'Beautiful, free photos.' The background includes a stove with a stainless steel pot, a fruit bowl with various fruits, a tiled backsplash, and a refrigerator with magnets.
A modern kitchen setting with a silver laptop on a wooden table, featuring a sticker that reads 'Beautiful, free photos.' The background includes a stove with a stainless steel pot, a fruit bowl with various fruits, a tiled backsplash, and a refrigerator with magnets.
Kreative Magnetideen

Gestalten Sie Ihre Kühlschrankmagnete nach Ihren Wünschen.

Sticky notes attached with festive-themed clothespins are displayed on a metallic grid, featuring handwritten ideas for holiday marketing campaigns. A small plush heart is also visible.
Sticky notes attached with festive-themed clothespins are displayed on a metallic grid, featuring handwritten ideas for holiday marketing campaigns. A small plush heart is also visible.